edit to my comment; I did not mean to say prodigious procrastinators... I meant to say proficient instead of prodigious... I normally use the word prodigious to signify my attempts at sports prognostications... then again maybe that was a subliminal slip as I am a prodigious proficient procrastinator for sure

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As a most proficient procrastinator I must say that this morning’s motivational message is a most motivating and inspiring message for me and my fellow prodigious procrastinators... as an aspiring writer at my age 71, I am contemplating publisher my first book as a self-help book for all procrastinators to use as an inspiration to help them move forward on their dreams and tasks at hand... I have decided that the title of this could should be “fixin’ to”... now what I have to do is replay this morning’s motivational message and get started on getting “fixin’ to” written and published... I am a rookie writer and I just want to try to be great at trying to do... Dale, thanks again fir sending us this morning’s motivational message...

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